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Shen Tips for Top, Patch 15.03

3 Tier
After casting a spell, Shen gets a shield. Affecting other champions reduces the cooldown of this effect.
Twilight AssaultQ
Spirit's RefugeW
Shadow DashE
Stand UnitedR

In patch 15.03, Top Shen was played in 43,796 games in platinum_plusPlatinum + tier, with a 50.79% win rate and a 3.42% pick rate. Current rank of the champion is 3 Tier, and the most popular core items include Heartsteel, Sunfire Aegis, and Thornmail The most popular runes include Resolve (Grasp of the Undying, Shield Bash, Second Wind, Revitalize) for primary path and Domination (Cheap Shot, Ultimate Hunter) for secondary path. Shen strong against Sylas, Camille and Jax but weak against Shen include Varus, Warwick, and Heimerdinger. Shen performs strongest at 35-40 minutes with a 52.69% win rate and weakest at 25-30 minutes with a 49.13% win rate.

  • Win rate50.79%
  • Pick rate3.42%
  • Ban rate0.41%
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