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Qiyana Tips for Jungle, Patch 15.03

5 Tier
Qiyana's first basic attack or ability against each enemy deals bonus damage.
Elemental Wrath / Edge of IxtalQ
Supreme Display of TalentR

In patch 15.03, Jungle Qiyana was played in 1,463 games in platinum_plusPlatinum + tier, with a 48.87% win rate and a 0.52% pick rate. Current rank of the champion is 5 Tier, and the most popular core items include Youmuu's Ghostblade, Opportunity, and Serylda's Grudge The most popular runes include Domination (Electrocute, Sudden Impact, Grisly Mementos, Treasure Hunter) for primary path and Inspiration (Magical Footwear, Cosmic Insight) for secondary path. Qiyana strong against Graves, Nocturne and Nidalee but weak against Qiyana include Master Yi, Diana, and Xin Zhao. Qiyana performs strongest at 25-30 minutes with a 50.43% win rate and weakest at 40+ minutes with a 47.14% win rate.

  • Win rate48.87%
  • Pick rate0.52%
  • Ban rate0.10%
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