Game name + #NA1

Poppy Trends for Jungle, Patch 15.03

5 Tier
Poppy throws her buckler that bounces off the target. Poppy can pick it up to gain a temporary shield.
Hammer ShockQ
Steadfast PresenceW
Heroic ChargeE
Keeper's VerdictR

In patch 15.03, Jungle Poppy was played in 2,868 games in emerald_plusEmerald + tier, with a 49.44% win rate and a 0.75% pick rate. Current rank of the champion is 5 Tier, and the most popular core items include Sundered Sky, Dead Man's Plate, and Thornmail The most popular runes include Sorcery (Phase Rush, Nimbus Cloak, Celerity, Waterwalking) for primary path and Inspiration (Hextech Flashtraption, Cosmic Insight) for secondary path. Poppy strong against Evelynn, Kindred and Talon but weak against Poppy include Xin Zhao, Master Yi, and Kha'Zix. Poppy performs strongest at 40+ minutes with a 58.67% win rate and weakest at 35-40 minutes with a 46.39% win rate.

  • Win rate49.44%
  • Pick rate0.75%
  • Ban rate1.10%
Jungle Poppy Win rate
38th / 48
Jungle Poppy Pick rate
46th / 48
Jungle Poppy Ban rate
37th / 48
Jungle Poppy Win Rate by Game Length