Game name + #NA1

Kayn Skills for Jungle, Patch 15.03

  • Red Kayn · Darkin Slayer
  • Blue Kayn · Shadow Assassin
Kayn wields an ancient weapon and fights Rhaast, the darkin within it, for control. Either the <font color='#fe5c50'>Darkin</font> will triumph, or Kayn will master Rhaast and become the <font color='#8484fb'>Shadow Assassin</font>.<br><br><font color='#fe5c50'>Darkin:</font> Heal for a percentage of spell damage dealt to champions.<br><br><font color='#8484fb'>Shadow Assassin:</font> For the first few seconds in combat with enemy champions, deal bonus damage.
Reaping SlashQ
Blade's ReachW
Shadow StepE
Umbral TrespassR

In patch 15.03, Jungle Kayn was played in 229,119 games in platinum_plusPlatinum + tier, with a 50.82% win rate and a 9.38% pick rate. Current rank of the champion is 1 Tier, and the most popular core items include Eclipse, Black Cleaver, and Spear of Shojin The most popular runes include Precision (Conqueror, Triumph, Legend: Haste, Last Stand) for primary path and Sorcery (Axiom Arcanist, Transcendence) for secondary path. Kayn strong against Gragas, Skarner and Rammus but weak against Kayn include Poppy, Rek'Sai, and Taliyah. Kayn performs strongest at 40+ minutes with a 52.4% win rate and weakest at 0-25 minutes with a 49.05% win rate.

  • Win rate50.82%
  • Pick rate9.38%
  • Ban rate6.99%
Reaping SlashQ
Blade's ReachW
Shadow StepE
89.86%Pick rate61.46%Win rate
Skill table
Reaping SlashQ
Blade's ReachW
Shadow StepE
47.82%56783 Games
61.65%Win rate
Reaping SlashQ
Blade's ReachW
Shadow StepE
21.97%26094 Games
60.49%Win rate
Reaping SlashQ
Blade's ReachW
Shadow StepE
18.01%21384 Games
62.49%Win rate
Reaping SlashQ
Blade's ReachW
Shadow StepE
2.00%2370 Games
61.60%Win rate
Reaping SlashQ
Blade's ReachW
Shadow StepE
0.61%719 Games
62.31%Win rate